Minnesota CS Education Strategic Plan

The full document in PDF form is here: https://education.mn.gov/mdeprod/idcplg?IdcService=GET_FILE&dDocName=PROD083740&RevisionSelectionMethod=latestReleased&Rendition=primary


The following are the key recommendations made by the Computer Science Working Group. All ten recommendations are needed to set the foundation for a robust and sustainable approach to computer science education. The first five recommendations have been prioritized by the working group as important first steps in achieving this plan. An important component of every recommendation is building awareness in order to address the many misconceptions about computer science and who is able to acquire and harness these skills. Awareness of computer science needs to be introduced early and able to grow over time as access to computer science education increases. 

1.Computer Science Advisory Committee: The working group recommends creating a Computer ScienceAdvisory Committee to work with the Minnesota Department of Education to inform and support theimplementation of the Minnesota Computer Science Education State Strategic Plan.

2.Teacher Qualification and Licensure: The working group recommends the creation of multiplequalification and licensure pathways for current and future computer science educators.

3.Grants and Funding: The working group recommends, with the goal of supporting equitable scaling ofcomputer science education, funding grants through the Minnesota Department of Education to supporttechnology infrastructure for Local Education Agencies (LEA) and the implementation of districtcomputer science plans.

4.K–12 Computer Science Pathway: The working group recommends the authority and allocation of fundsto develop K–8 computer science standards, followed by the implementation of those standardsthrough integration into K–5 curriculum, a required middle school computer science course, and theoffering of a computer science elective in high school.

5.Continuous Improvement: The working group recommends suggested timelines, enhanced data andreporting structures, and an evaluation process and revision cycle for the implementation andadvancement of computer science in all K–12 school districts and charter schools.

6.Awareness Building: The working group recommends the Minnesota Department of Education and theComputer Science Advisory Committee work with Regional Computer Science Specialists and statepartners to execute an awareness building plan to inform identified audiences across the statethroughout the implementation of the Minnesota Computer Science Education Plan.

7.Local Education Agency (LEA) Computer Science Education Plans: The working group recommends eachLEA in Minnesota create a computer science education plan based on the Computer Science AdvisoryCommittee and the Minnesota Department of Education’s computer science guidance documents, withthe purpose of providing students with computational thinking and computer science learning in gradesK–12.

Computer Science State Strategic Plan 11 

8. Outside Funding: The working group recommends the Legislature and the Minnesota Department of Education consider the possibilities of outside funding, such as funding from local industry, to provide additional support for computer science education implementation. 

9. Regional Communities of Learning and Computer Science Specialists: The working group recommends establishing region-based communities of learning to provide support to local LEAs and educators in learning about the needs and cultural assets of their communities in order to (1) cultivate an environment in which diverse approaches to computer science education are able to flourish, and (2) support LEAs in developing and implementing computer science education plans, including applying for funding/grants. 

10. Graduation Requirements Review Committee: The working group recommends that the Legislature establish a committee to holistically review high school graduation requirements and make recommendations that are feasible for schools and students, yet still allow choice in electives. (Note: Although incorporating computer science into graduation requirements is not feasible at this time, this important step is a precursor to potentially adjusting the requirements to encompass computer science in the future.)